Matthew 6:33

Memorizing and Meditating on Scripture is one of the most important spiritual discipline's God has made available to us. We want you so filled immersed in Scripture that when life cuts you, what you bleed is the Word of God. Check out this devotional from Rebecca Hing to help you toward this goal.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” – Matthew 6:33


To help us better understand this verse, let’s break it down into digestible sections. This breakdown will help build a mental structure to fully memorize this verse. 

First, let’s put this in context. Throughout Matthew 6:25- 34, we are being taught how the Lord provides for his whole kingdom. How not a creature is left behind, as lilies grow and are sustained, to birds receiving the food and the grain that they need, Matthew encourages us, the children of God, to not worry about where our food, water, dress, and shelter will come from. (Paraphrased of course, I do encourage you to read the entire passage on your own).

In the beginning of verse 33 we are instructed to “seek first” His kingdom. 

Our number one priority is to focus our time and energy on learning more about our creator and growing in Him. For example, as a couple spends time dating one another, getting to learn more about the other, and delighting in time spent together, God calls us to “Delight yourself in the Lord” (Psalm 37:4a). This is not a chore out of a spiritual “to-do” list that we are being given. It is a privilege. It is a gift that God allows us to seek Him and spend time in His presence. 

In John 6:44, Jesus states that the Father God “draws” people to himself. As God draws, we obediently listen. Not from law or obligation, not so that we can “earn his blessings”…NO! We respond out of love. We respond because we love our Father and our Father loves us. Proverbs 8:17 states, “I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.” We are promised that as we seek, we will find Him, and our top priority is to do this. Every other need we have we can rest assured that it is in God’s hands. 

In the next section of verse 33 it states, “his kingdom and God’s righteousness,” in Romans it is explained just what God’s kingdom is about. 

Romans 14:17 “For the  kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Here we are clearly told that the physical things of this world (the very things we are told that God will provide throughout Matthew 6) are not of God’s kingdom. But in seeking first his kingdom, we are trusting that He will provide in all other matters. Earlier in Matthew 6, verse 24 we are told that no one can serve two masters, “We cannot serve God and wealth.” 

The final section of this verse, “…all these things will be added to you.”

Earlier, in verse 26 it reads, “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them, Are you not worth much more than they?” We need not worry if God will provide, it is promised to us in Matthew 6. Christ alone is sufficient to prepare us and sustain us. In Christ alone we are sustained, we are gifted God’s divine provisions. Our heavenly Father will care for our needs. 

Our Heavenly Father provides for us. He has provided the eternal gift of His son Jesus to take away our sin. He advocates for us! He stands up for us! He loves us when we have earned no bit of it! The gift of salvation is freely given. He has given the greatest gift of all. If He is faithful to give us this we can trust that he will be faithful in providing for even our basic earthly needs. 

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33