Coronavirus Information and Resources

This information was last updated on Saturday, June 6

With the state of Texas opening up, some of us have ventured out to restaurants and other public locations for the first time in awhile. Still, some of us are remaining in isolation. In such a polarizing season where opinions abound, Jesus' command to love one another remains of utmost importance in our faith family.

As we are looking toward the future, we want to keep you updated on the steps we are taking to safely and responsibly plan our return to gathering as a church.

Our motivation in this is not fear, but love. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but he has called us to love our neighbors and to contribute to the welfare of our community. We will continue planning for our eventual reopening in a way that both honors our governing authorities and also blesses our community.

Timeline for Return

Completed: Congregational Survey

Thank you so much to everyone who completed the congregational survey that gave us data on where people stand on returning to church. If you would like to see the results of that survey, click here.

Completed: Elder Decision to Create a Re-Entry Team

The elders met last Sunday to review the data collected in the congregational survey and discuss what our next steps look like in the process of coming back to gather physically at the church.

They agreed that because this is such a complex and unique situation, we need a team of church members to determine and make recommendations for safe and responsible return.

To Be Completed: Create Re-Entry Team and Establish Goals

We are now in the process of establishing this Re-Entry Team that will consist of medical professionals and others who have first-hand experience and knowledge of this pandemic. We are also creating goals for the team as they determine recommendations together for cleanliness and safe social interaction for different ministries that meet at the church.

We will be updating you each week via email and social media each week regarding the progress made. Stay tuned and stay safe!

How to Watch or Listen to Services

For the foreseeable future, we will not meet for worship gatherings.. Instead, we will gather virtually for worship online and we will provide resources to help you worship each week. 

You can participate by watching our streamed services in a browser on your computer or on your mobile device. If you have a smart TV with the YouTube app, you may navigate there directly and search for "Faith Fellowship Church."

These services will be archived and available at any time on both of our channels:

Small Groups

While we won't be able to gather as small groups in person, we want to encourage every group to continue to relationally engage and meet virtually each week during this season. This is a great time for you to assist your "technologically-challenged" small group leader, as you use one of the great virtual meeting platforms out there! You can find each week's small group guide included in our weekly resources, updated every Friday.