Faith Fellowship at Home

Scattered but we can still gather

We are now experiencing a very ancient way of doing church: the household. Even though we are limited in contact with the wider gathering, but that should not limit community with God and with others. We could come out of this closer to Him and to each other.

God is showing us the essentials of “church” in this pandemic. The Lord is very much on the move in our midst. Consider these resources to help you grow in your love for God, love for each other and love for our world during this unique season.

Order of Service for April


Song - Who You Say I Am


Message - 1 John 1:5-8 | A Holy Confidence

Song - He Will Hold Me Fast

Conclusion and Small Group Discussion

Next Steps Resources


Give Online

In this unprecedented time, it's important to remember that the Lord is still at work, no matter our present circumstances. As you are able, consider giving to support ministry at Faith Fellowship.


Faith at Home

Wondering what the Christian life looks like in the middle of a pandemic while you’re at home? We’ve put together some resources to help you walk through this season.

Past Services


Luke 24: Easter Reset

April 24, 2020