A year ago when we made the decision to move to a completely online format for our Easter service because of the COVID-19 pandemic, to use a phrase now a staple in our cultural vocabulary, it was unprecedented. Trapped in our homes in fear of the danger that was outside, our world and our understanding of it turned completely upside down. Perhaps it was strangely the closest we have ever identified with Jesus’ disciples on that first Easter.

Well, here we are a year later. From this pandemic to political upheaval and an increasingly polarized society, we enter this Easter season with a mix of emotions. For some, we are afraid of what will be. For others, we are jaded by what has been. Still, for others, a mingling of confusion, hope, sadness and contentment define our feelings for the unsettled present. And yet, even though our world has changed, the story in which we live remains the same.

So for this reason and for a time such as this, we will be taking a deep dive into 1 Corinthians 15 this Easter season, exploring what the resurrection of Jesus means for us in the story in which we are living. We will ponder what Jesus Himself accomplished in His own resurrection. We will also see the plan He set in motion and the tangible hope we have as believers both now and forever because of His resurrection.

Articles and Primers

These articles will help you better understand the theological and practical themes of the Resurrection. We encourage you to take time to walk through these resources to enrich your personal study of 1 Corinthians 15.

Article: What Really Happened at the Resurrection In this article, we consider the evidence regarding the resurrection of Jesus. If it didn’t happen, then its game over for our faith because the foundation for everything we believe is a hoax. Howeve…

Article: What Really Happened at the Resurrection

In this article, we consider the evidence regarding the resurrection of Jesus. If it didn’t happen, then its game over for our faith because the foundation for everything we believe is a hoax. However, if Jesus really did rise from the dead, then it changes everything and it’s game on for all things Christian!


Article: A Short Biblical Theology of ResurrectionAs the closing words of the Nicene Creed remind us, Christianity has always affirmed that believers should, “We look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and to life in the world to come.” So wit…

Article: A Short Biblical Theology of Resurrection

As the closing words of the Nicene Creed remind us, Christianity has always affirmed that believers should, “We look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and to life in the world to come.” So with that in mind, what is the resurrection and what should we expect when it happens?


Article: What Does the Resurrection Mean for Us?The Bible is for the curious treasure hunter. Follow the clues, put together the puzzle, and you'll find the beauty you are looking for. In it we find the most beautiful of treasure and are reminded of…

Article: What Does the Resurrection Mean for Us?

The Bible is for the curious treasure hunter. Follow the clues, put together the puzzle, and you'll find the beauty you are looking for. In it we find the most beautiful of treasure and are reminded of Nicholas Cage movies. In this article, we explore the final chapters of Mark and consider what the resurrection means.



Family Discipleship Ideas

Ideas for families to celebrate Easter this year are built around our framework for family discipleship: Faith Talks and Faith Walks.

Faith Talks will help you build intentional time into the rhythm of family life for the purpose of thinking about, talking about, and living out the gospel.

Faith Walks are activities or discussions in the course of daily life that turn a child's attention toward the presence and power of God in every part of life.

As you will see from each of these ideas, family discipleship is simple and not intimidating. God has not called you as a parent or grandparent to necessarily have a church service with your children, but rather to consistently and intentionally communicate the truth and love of Jesus to them.


Good Friday Service

This Easter Season, we will be having a Good Friday Service at Faith Fellowship on Friday, April 2 at 7pm. This will be a unique and interactive experience where we will participate in an ancient practice called the “Way of the Cross” in the sanctuary. The sanctuary will have eight different stations set up for a self-guided experience that will take us on a meaningful journey as we walk through the events of Good Friday.

Limited childcare for children under 6 will be available for the Good Friday Service. Please help us prepare well for your children by letting us know how many will be joining you.


Holy Week Texts

One of the most important aspects of preparing our hearts for the Easter season is imagining what the events of the first Holy Week were actually like. Easter is indeed about looking forward to the resurrection that believers will one day experience, however it is also about stepping into the shoes of Peter and imagining what it would have been like in the Garden of Gethsemane, putting ourselves at the foot of the cross with John, or envisioning the stone rolled away early in the morning with those brave women.

So to do that, we are providing a way for you to experience Holy Week in real time through text messages sent to your phone. From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, you can receive updates and messages about the week’s events as they would have unfolded 2,000 years ago.

Simply text the word “Easter” to 832-479-4633 to receive real time updates throughout Holy Week.