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Faith at Home

Faith at Home is our initiative to help you create or continue spiritual growth in your home, everyday.

Core Classes

Through our core classes, we try to make the Bible, theology, and church history accessible to everyone in the church.


Group Leader Pipeline

As the saying goes, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” At Faith Fellowship, we believe that when our Small Group Leaders raise the tide of faith, our church will too.

FFC Music

We often say that songs are sermons that you won’t forget by Monday. That is why we are intentional about integrating music as part of our spiritual formation.

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Article: Living Like Jesus is Supreme

Colossians is all about the Jesus’ supremacy over everything. This certainly includes our lives and the places where we live, work, and worship.


Guide: Colossians Resources

Like astronauts who are changed when the see the earth suspended in space, we too experience the “Overview Effect” when we see the greatness, glory and gospel of Jesus Christ in Colossians.


More Articles and Posts

Article: The Qualifications of Deacons

We define deacons qualified men and women who are publicly recognized as officers serving in the church. The most important word is “qualified” however. We don’t just let anyone be a deacon at church. They must be qualified to hold the office



Article: The Supremacy of Christ

What we mean by “supremacy” is that which is “above” or “over” others. It refers to the greatest in power, authority, or rank. Jesus is more than a carpenter, a prophet, or a good teacher. In no uncertain terms, when Christians say that Jesus is supreme, what we mean is that Jesus Christ is God Himself



Article: Breath Prayers

Breath prayers are exactly what they sound like: prayers that can be said in a single breath. This is an ancient discipline that has been practiced by Christians throughout history in order to remind us of God’s beauty, authority and presence in our lives.



Article: The Unique Types of Fasts

Christian fasting is voluntary and a spiritual decision between a person and God. The length and the type of fast is open to a personal conviction and what God may be calling you too. Consider these types of fasts recorded in Scripture for inspiration.



Article: On Starting to Fast

Christian fasting is a normal, voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual purposes. Like anything in the Christian life, fasting is an invitation, not an obligation, and we need to learn to walk in it before we can run. Consider the following as you take a step into the deeper waters of faith by practicing fasting.



Article: On the Purposes of Fasting

Christian fasting has a spiritual purpose. It is more than just a diet and weight-loss plan. Scripture sets forth many purposes for fasting but consider these seven reasons for why the people of God fasted in the Bible.



Thomas Watson on Meditation

Of all the spiritual disciplines, meditation is probably the most mystical sounding to our ears, if you would. Perhaps some of us might have pause or hesitancy to try it. However, the popular cultural assumptions aside, Biblical meditation is in fact a central practice in Christian spirituality.



Article: 11 Quotes on Meditation

Biblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that may have led them to write these sentences.



15 Meditation Techniques

The Bible is an infinite and inexhaustible well of truth and satisfaction. Think of these meditation techniques as different sized buckets to help you draw up the water. Depending on your strength, season and personality, some of these techniques may fit you better than others.



Article: Marking Time

The people of God have always been storytellers and if we want to break free of our disenchantment, we must find ways to immerse ourselves in the story of Scripture. A simple way to do this is by a practice known as “marking time.”



Article: On Catechisms

For over 2000 years believers and their children have used catechism’s to learn the basic elements of the Christian faith. Among the many reasons for utilizing this tool, two stick out: the fact that children memorize short facts easily and catechisms give us a framework for interpreting all of life.



Series: Faith at Home

God calls the family to play a vital role in discipling the next generation. How this is accomplished though varies from family to family and is as unique as the flavor of each home. That’s why we want to help you create or continue an environment of spiritual growth in your home through our Faith at Home initiative.


Article: Practical Hospitality

Regardless of how intimidated we may be to open up our home and schedule, we must because it is simply what Jesus calls us to do as His disciples. In her fantastic book The Gospel Comes with a House Key, Rosaria Butterfield gives us some practical ideas and tells us in fact, “Start somewhere, start today.”



Article: Practicing Hospitality by Creating Margin

We are a busy people in a busy culture, but a life that is constantly busy has no room for margin. And we need margin. Having margin in our lives is incredibly important as followers of Jesus because it is having margin that gives us the ability to be interruptible for God’s purposes and opportunities



Article: A Short Theology of the Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper is a meal of bread and wine that both commemorates Christ’s death and anticipates Christ’s return. What we see in Scripture is that there are implications for the our past, present and future as we partake in this meal.



Article: When Should I Not Partake in the Lord’s Supper?

When we observe the Lord’s Supper at Faith Fellowship, who is eligible to partake in the meal? Is everyone eligible? All believers? All baptized believers? Only Baptists? Only church members? God has given us an invitation to His table with instructions for how we partake.


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Article: Seven Benefits from the Lord’s Supper

We get the doctrine and the mechanics of the Lord’s Supper. But how does partaking in the Lord’s Supper together actually benefit us? Or to put it another way, if we did not observe the Lord’s Supper together, what would we be missing personally?



Article: The Future of Family Ministry at Faith Fellowship

At Faith Fellowship, we pledge to help you create and continue spiritual growth at home. We are going to remind you of your God-given role but even more than that we are going to equip, inspire and get behind you. But real talk now; we can’t do your job for you.



Article: An Overview of the Faith at Home Center

The Faith at Home Center offers both a physical and online connection point, so families and individuals can be equipped and inspired to create or continue an environment of spiritual growth in their home. Consider this overview to get the most out of the tools available at the new Faith at Home Center.



Article: Lessons from Holy Monday and Steve Martin

On Monday morning of Holy Week, having spent the night before in Bethany, Jesus and His disciples head for the temple. On the way, Jesus finds a fig tree in leaf, but no fruit present. He curses the tree - symbolic of a people enjoying nourishment but yielding no fruit.



Series: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

In this series we take a deep dive into 1 Corinthians 15, exploring what the resurrection of Jesus means for us in the story in which we are living. We ponder what Jesus Himself accomplished in His own resurrection. We also see the plan He set in motion and the tangible hope we have as believers both now and forever because of His resurrection.



Article: What Really Happened at the Resurrection

In this article, we consider the evidence regarding the resurrection of Jesus. If it didn’t happen, then its game over for our faith because the foundation for everything we believe is a hoax. However, if Jesus really did rise from the dead, then it changes everything and it’s game on for all things Christian!



Article: A Short Biblical Theology of the Resurrection

As the closing words of the Nicene Creed remind us, Christianity has always affirmed that believers should, “We look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and to life in the world to come.” So with that in mind, what is the resurrection and what should we expect when it happens?



Article: How Have Christians Change their Society

Sometimes it seems that within Christian culture, instead of intentionally thinking through the deep and rich story of how something came to be, we have a tendency to treat the work of the Holy Spirit as a deux ex machina. Consider this post that explores how the early church changed the world.



Article: Three Faulty Views of Government

A variety of perspectives exist within the Christian community when it comes to political power, political issues and political involvement. The Bible tells us we are citizens of both a sovereign country and an eternal kingdom. So what should the relationship between government look like?



Article: Prayer as Siege Warfare

What if we saw prayer more like siege warfare where we remained in an offensive position until we received the promises of Scripture. Consider these promises that God has given us in His Word. Get ahold of one this week!



Does the Bible Command Tithing?

Does the Bible command us to tithe? If so, should we tithe the gross or the net of our income? Christmas and birthday gifts too? If not, then how much should we give and how often? There aren’t exactly simple answers to this question but in this article we break down some biblical guidance on the matter



Book Review: The Majesty of Mystery

K. Scott Oliphint’s new book is an extremely helpful treatment of difficult theological that provides a practical and liberating path forward for anyone searching for meaning and purpose in their faith.



Article: Nine Considerations for First Time Grandparents

Consider this list from someone who has very young kids and has seen first time grandparents recently, up close in the wild and start thinking about what good inter-generational communication looks like.



Article: Blue for the Sky and the Color Green

Some of the most influential moments in a child's life can happen when parents harness seemingly trivial, everyday moments and use them to direct their little imaginations to the wonder, size, power and goodness of God.



Article: Who is the Young Man in Mark 14?

The Bible is for the curious treasure hunter. Follow the clues, put together the puzzle, and you'll find the beauty you are looking for. In it we find the most beautiful of treasure and are reminded of Nicholas Cage movies.



Article: Knowing God in the Thicker Books

Far from bringing the temperature of our heart down, the thicker books of theology can actually be one of the greatest conductors God uses to increase the heat of our affections for Him…
