Know Your Preachers

E.V. Hill


Throughout our series in Colossians, we want to share with you some of the classic sermons from the great preachers of the recent past. Listen to this powerful sermon from E.V. Hill called given “What Do You Have When You Have Jesus” as he powerfully illustrates a life lived with Jesus Christ.

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Know Your Preachers

Born in Wales in 1899, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, or “the Doctor” as he was known, graduated with a medical degree from the University of London and first worked as the assistant to the Royal Physician. Sensing a call to ministry, he then became the pastor of a small church in Wales until arriving at Westminster Chapel in London and serving as Pastor there from 1943 until his retirement.

A prolific preacher, in his book Preaching and Preachers, he noted that true preaching was defined as “logic on fire.” Preaching, he believed, was the logical demonstration of the truth of a given text of Scripture delivered with the aid of the Holy Spirit’s fire.

Speaking of Lloyd-Jones, J.I. Packer once commented that he had "never heard such preaching." He said that it came to him "with the force of electric shock, bringing to at least one of his listeners more of a sense of God than any other man.”

Many of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ sermons are now available and remastered through the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust.

The Prescription is Ready.

What Do You Have When You Have Jesus?

Why is God’s love amazing? It is not only because it is redemptive and transforming, but according to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, God’s love is amazing because of what it cost Him. For God only forgives through His Son, Jesus Christ. It was by Jesus dying upon the cross of Calvary that God brought about redemption and forgiveness for His people.

Related Resources

Know Your Preachers: Lloyd-JonesCommentaries provide insight and depth into Scripture from those who understand the text best. Think of them as guides who have walked the path of study before and can show you where to look. Consider this list of fiv…

Know Your Preachers: Lloyd-Jones

Commentaries provide insight and depth into Scripture from those who understand the text best. Think of them as guides who have walked the path of study before and can show you where to look. Consider this list of five excellent commentaries for Colossians.


Playlist: Songs for Colossians

We have curated a playlist called “Songs for Colossians” that reflect the themes of the series. These are also the songs that we will be singing during  the worship service for the next few months. We encourage you to listen to these songs for your own edification and better corporate worship. 


Article: Studying Colossians

As we immerse ourselves in the book of Colossians this Fall, we should remember that Colossians is a book about Jesus. It contains some of the clearest revelation of Christology in the entire New Testament. Consider these tips and resources to help you study this incredibly rich book.
