Sermon: But Christianity is So Exclusive
One of the biggest accusations against Christianity is that it is exclusive. Actually, religion and all philosophical systems are by nature exclusive. However, as 1 John 4:1-12 demonstrates, Christianity is actually the most inclusive exclusivity there is, offering more hope and resources than anyone could even imagine.
Sermon: Slavery and the Scriptures
Does the Bible condone slavery? This is a common accusation from many New Atheists and others who take issue with Scripture. Christians will experience doubts about faith. However, truth can be found. When you face your doubts head on and you’re honest about them, God can use that journey to do things in your life you never thought were possible.
Sermon: When God Doesn’t Make Sense
What do we do when we get news that turns our world upside down? How do we process things that happen that cut us to the core and it seems as though our foundation is crumbling? When God doesn't make sense to us, how do we make sense of life? These are the questions we consider as we begin our exploration of the life of Joseph in Genesis 37.