Article: 14 Quotes from A Praying Life
Biblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that led them to write these sentences.
Book Review: With Christ in the School of Prayer
Biblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that led them to write these sentences.
Article: The Ignation Prayer
Ignatius of Loyola was a 16th century priest who founded the Jesuit Order within the Catholic Church. Regarding spiritual growth, he taught his followers to meditate on the Gospels with an active imagination. Consider this ancient practice to go deeper into the experience of Scripture.
Article: 11 Quotes on Meditation
Biblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that led them to write these sentences.
Article: Thomas Watson on Meditation
Of all the spiritual disciplines, meditation is probably the most mystical sounding to our ears, if you would. Perhaps some of us might have pause or hesitancy to try it. However, the popular cultural assumptions aside, Biblical meditation is in fact a central practice in Christian spirituality.
Article: The Examen
Christians throughout the ages have practiced some version of the Prayer of Examen. The practice walks through a process of reflection: examining conscience and actions while paying attention to the ways that sin and selfish desires have hold of us.
Series: Blood Work
Memorizing and Meditating on Scripture is one of the most important spiritual discipline's God has made available to us. We want you so filled immersed in Scripture that when life cuts you, what you bleed is the Word of God. Check out these devotionals to help you toward this goal.