Spiritual Disciplines






Article: Learning to PrayIn one sense, prayer should be as natural as breathing for a child of God.However, at the same time, we do grow in our ability to pray. So how do we learn to pray? Consider these three ways:Read

Article: Learning to Pray

In one sense, prayer should be as natural as breathing for a child of God.However, at the same time, we do grow in our ability to pray. So how do we learn to pray? Consider these three ways:


Article: 14 Quotes from A Praying LifeBiblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that led them to write these sentences.Read

Article: 14 Quotes from A Praying Life

Biblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that led them to write these sentences.


Book Review: With Christ in the School of PrayerBiblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that led them to write these sentences.Read

Book Review: With Christ in the School of Prayer

Biblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that led them to write these sentences.


Article: On Starting to FastLike anything in the Christian life, fasting is an invitation, not an obligation, and we need to learn to walk in it before we can run. Consider the following as you take a step into the deeper waters of faith by practicing fasting.Read

Article: On Starting to Fast

Like anything in the Christian life, fasting is an invitation, not an obligation, and we need to learn to walk in it before we can run. Consider the following as you take a step into the deeper waters of faith by practicing fasting.


Article: The Unique Types of FastsChristian fasting is voluntary and a spiritual decision between a person and God.The length and the type of fast is open to a personal conviction and what God may be calling you too. Consider these types of fasts recorded in Scripture for inspiration.Read

Article: The Unique Types of Fasts

Christian fasting is voluntary and a spiritual decision between a person and God.The length and the type of fast is open to a personal conviction and what God may be calling you too. Consider these types of fasts recorded in Scripture for inspiration.


Article: 7 Reasons for Why We FastChristian fasting has a spiritual purpose. It is more than just a diet and weight-loss plan. Scripture sets forth many purposes for fasting but consider these seven reasons for why the people of God fasted in the Bible.Read

Article: 7 Reasons for Why We Fast

Christian fasting has a spiritual purpose. It is more than just a diet and weight-loss plan. Scripture sets forth many purposes for fasting but consider these seven reasons for why the people of God fasted in the Bible.


Article: The Ignation PrayerIgnatius of Loyola was a 16th century priest who founded the Jesuit Order within the Catholic Church. Regarding spiritual growth, he taught his followers to meditate on the Gospels with an active imagination. Consider this ancient practice to go deeper into the experience of Scripture.Read

Article: The Ignation Prayer

Ignatius of Loyola was a 16th century priest who founded the Jesuit Order within the Catholic Church. Regarding spiritual growth, he taught his followers to meditate on the Gospels with an active imagination. Consider this ancient practice to go deeper into the experience of Scripture.


Article: 11 Quotes on MeditationBiblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that led them to write these sentences.Read

Article: 11 Quotes on Meditation

Biblical meditation is a central practice in Christian spirituality. Consider these quotes from some of the great writers in Christian history. Meditate on their words and even their experience that led them to write these sentences.


Article: Thomas Watson on MeditationOf all the spiritual disciplines, meditation is probably the most mystical sounding to our ears, if you would. Perhaps some of us might have pause or hesitancy to try it. However, the popular cultural assumptions aside, Biblical meditation is in fact a central practice in Christian spirituality.Read

Article: Thomas Watson on Meditation

Of all the spiritual disciplines, meditation is probably the most mystical sounding to our ears, if you would. Perhaps some of us might have pause or hesitancy to try it. However, the popular cultural assumptions aside, Biblical meditation is in fact a central practice in Christian spirituality.


Article: Marking TimeThe people of God have always been storytellers and if we want to break free of our disenchantment, we must find ways to immerse ourselves in the story of Scripture. A simple way to do this is by a practice known as “marking time.” Read

Article: Marking Time

The people of God have always been storytellers and if we want to break free of our disenchantment, we must find ways to immerse ourselves in the story of Scripture. A simple way to do this is by a practice known as “marking time.”


Article: Prayer as Siege WarfareWhat if we saw prayer more like siege warfare where we remained in an offensive position until we received the promises of Scripture. Consider these promises that God has given us in His Word. Get ahold of one this week besiege heaven with it until God answers!Read

Article: Prayer as Siege Warfare

What if we saw prayer more like siege warfare where we remained in an offensive position until we received the promises of Scripture. Consider these promises that God has given us in His Word. Get ahold of one this week besiege heaven with it until God answers!


Article: The ExamenChristians throughout the ages have practiced some version of the Prayer of Examen. The practice walks through a process of reflection: examining conscience and actions while paying attention to the ways that sin and selfish desires have hold of us.Listen

Article: The Examen

Christians throughout the ages have practiced some version of the Prayer of Examen. The practice walks through a process of reflection: examining conscience and actions while paying attention to the ways that sin and selfish desires have hold of us.


Article: Knowing God in Thick BooksFar from bringing the temperature of our heart down, the thicker books of theology can actually be one of the greatest conductors God uses to increase the heat of our affections for Him.Read

Article: Knowing God in Thick Books

Far from bringing the temperature of our heart down, the thicker books of theology can actually be one of the greatest conductors God uses to increase the heat of our affections for Him.


Article: 30 Day Bible Reading PlansCheck out these 30 Day plans that will take you deeper into a particular theme of Scripture. From the life of Jesus to systematic theology, there’s something here for you. Even better, ask a friend to read a plan with you!Read

Article: 30 Day Bible Reading Plans

Check out these 30 Day plans that will take you deeper into a particular theme of Scripture. From the life of Jesus to systematic theology, there’s something here for you. Even better, ask a friend to read a plan with you!


Sermon: Prayer in Dark PlacesAs we finish the book of Ruth, we see that God Himself has been the invisible hand behind everything that has happened. Interestingly in this story, what God has worked through are the simple prayers of ordinary people.R…

Sermon: Prayer in Dark Places

As we finish the book of Ruth, we see that God Himself has been the invisible hand behind everything that has happened. Interestingly in this story, what God has worked through are the simple prayers of ordinary people.


Series: Blood WorkMemorizing and Meditating on Scripture is one of the most important spiritual discipline's God has made available to us. We want you so filled immersed in Scripture that when life cuts you, what you bleed is the Word of God. Check …

Series: Blood Work

Memorizing and Meditating on Scripture is one of the most important spiritual discipline's God has made available to us. We want you so filled immersed in Scripture that when life cuts you, what you bleed is the Word of God. Check out these devotionals to help you toward this goal.


Class: Meeting with GodIs a “quiet time” with God important and if so, how should we go about doing it?This core class will give a Biblical understanding of why we should meet with God on a daily basis and to equip you with practical tools that we hope will help you do just that.Read

Class: Meeting with God

Is a “quiet time” with God important and if so, how should we go about doing it?This core class will give a Biblical understanding of why we should meet with God on a daily basis and to equip you with practical tools that we hope will help you do just that.


Article: Why Do We Pray CorporatelyAn incredible way to shape and transform your personal prayer life is by praying together with your church. Feeling the calm silence of the room. Seeing the unique prayer postures of the people. Knowing that we have assembled to come before the throne itself…Read

Article: Why Do We Pray Corporately

An incredible way to shape and transform your personal prayer life is by praying together with your church. Feeling the calm silence of the room. Seeing the unique prayer postures of the people. Knowing that we have assembled to come before the throne itself…
