





Sermon: With Us in the WaitingWhat is in a name? According to Romeo and Juliet not much. However, what we find in Matthew 1:18-25 is that the name that God's Son would be called is "Immanuel." What we find in the name Immanuel is an infinite amount …

Sermon: With Us in the Waiting

What is in a name? According to Romeo and Juliet not much. However, what we find in Matthew 1:18-25 is that the name that God's Son would be called is "Immanuel." What we find in the name Immanuel is an infinite amount of resources for us both for now and for eternity.


Sermon: Over AnxietyProbably every single day, you are experiencing anxiety in some form. On one hand, these emotions show you what it is that you value most in the world. On the other, they provide an opportunity to trust God and His Word deeper an…

Sermon: Over Anxiety

Probably every single day, you are experiencing anxiety in some form. On one hand, these emotions show you what it is that you value most in the world. On the other, they provide an opportunity to trust God and His Word deeper and toward the path of contentment.


Sermon: Risk in Dark PlacesRisk is an action that exposes you to the possibility of loss or injury. Why risk is important? Why is risk important for us as a church? Essentially, the Christian life is a call to risk. This week, we explore what we can…

Sermon: Risk in Dark Places

Risk is an action that exposes you to the possibility of loss or injury. Why risk is important? Why is risk important for us as a church? Essentially, the Christian life is a call to risk. This week, we explore what we can learn from the risks that Ruth took.
